Transform Your Life &

Combining Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Hypnosis & Personal Fitness Training

Problems I can help you with

Weight Management

Combining cognitive techniques to modify eating behaviors with personalized exercise regimens for sustainable weight loss or gain.

Stress and Anxiety Reduction

Utilizing CBT to reframe negative thought patterns while incorporating hypnotherapy for relaxation and personal training for stress relief through physical activity.

Lifestyle Modification and Goal Achievement

Incorporating CBT strategies to establish and maintain healthy lifestyle habits, hypnotherapy to enhance motivation and commitment, and fitness routines to support long-term behavior change and goal attainment.

Phobia and Fear Treatment

Using CBT to explore and modify fear responses, hypnotherapy for desensitization, and physical activities to build confidence and resilience in facing fears.

Confidence and Self-Esteem Building

Utilizing CBT techniques to challenge negative self-beliefs, hypnotherapy for enhancing self-confidence, and personal training to improve physical fitness and body image.

Depression and Mood Enhancement

Combining CBT to identify and challenge depressive thoughts, hypnotherapy to promote positive mood states, and exercise interventions to release endorphins and elevate mood.

Ready to Make That Change?

Take that first step for life changing transformation